
Your Word tells us of six things You hate (Proverbs 6), and the seventh You not only hate, but You call it an abomination “hands that shed innocent blood.”

We come humbly to Your throne to repent; first for ourselves, then for the Church, our nation and the world for the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive us for having allowed the atrocity of this abomination to take place in our land including the shedding of innocent blood, through abortion. Thank You for giving us authority, dominion and power over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) because we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. We raise up our rod of authority’ and bring this situation to your throne. In the mighty name of Jesus, we come against every principality, power, throne, ruler spirit, mite and dominion, all spirits of death and destruction, especially those spirits assisting or fueling the chaos and the racial divide in our land.

Call out the following and command these spirits to go:

All spirits of Death
All Fear spirits
All rebellion and lawless spirits
All spirits behind insurgence tearing up neighborhoods
All leviathan spirits
All spirits of generational pain
Shouldering the burdens of the past
Iniquity of the forebears/forefathers
Historical trauma
Tribal rituals
Familiar spirits
Supernatural spiritual insurgence tearing up neighborhoods
The spirits of the plantation
The spirits of Willie Lynch
*witchcraft mayhem
*chaos witchcraft
Supernatural tribal spirits & spirits behind race riots and racial divide
Cumulative emotional and psychological wounding,
Generational massive group trauma
Intergenerational response to trauma
Depression, self-destructive behavior, psychic numbing, anger and elevated mortality rates, unresolved grief and impaired mourning, massive loss, defiling, doubt and unbelief
Divination spells & incantations, hexes, vexes, hoodoo & voodoo, thwarting spirits
Thought Forms/Egregore Spirits, All mass mind control psychic mind prayer, witchcraft mind control with
Lying Spirits
Mind control
Antichrist spirit
Spirits of oppression
All familiar spirits
Evil soul ties
PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR and all associated spirits, Spirits behind the Blood crying out

Father, We ask for your angels to close all portals. We bind all spirits of witchcraft mayhem, witchcraft chaos, division and discord, the strongman of divide & conquer. We come against all spirits of communism/fascism/socialism (antichrist spirits), all race war, race-baiting, racial divide in Jesus name. We bind and break the power of the spirit of death, destruction, disruption, clamorous protest, violence, hostility & bring to naught EVERY evil practitioner of the kingdom of darkness, including evil practitioners, those behind ANTIFA, BLM groups, etc. We loose civil war in the enemy camp! Paul declared blindness upon the agents of darkness in Acts 13:6-11, we too declare blindness upon all those fueling mayhem in our country. We decree they will grope about as one in darkness so their plans WILL NOT be carried out! We thank you that all their evil deeds are being arrested right now, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! We loose PEACE and love and a sound mind now.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. AMEN & Amen

Order Sheila’s book Power Prayers Warfare that Works, it is full of life-changing, powerful prayers and deliverance.