Father God,

We repent for the USA especially for the shedding of innocent blood through the killing of your precious babies. We repent for ALL sin that opened the door for the enemy to gain legal ground for that which is taking place in this nation. (2 Chronicles 7:14). We come boldly to your throne of grace, standing in AGREEMENT, in one accord, (as demonstrated in Acts). Jesus made an open show of and disarmed principalities and powers, and WE as believers have been now given that power, authority, and dominion over ALL the power of the enemy. We exercise it now, (Luke 10:19) IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS, We take authority over the principalities, powers, wicked spirits, thrones, dominions and rulers in the high places; in the air, on the land, in the water and underground. IN JESUS NAME, We bind the strongman over the USA, all territorial & marine spirits operating in & over the United States of America. We lift up our leader Donald J. Trump to you God. We command every demon operating against the leaders in this great country to go now. Satan we bind you, rebuke you, and render you & your demons powerless in the USA,  In Jesus name. In the name and by the shed blood of Jesus —we now cut off and bring to naught the power of the spirit of the witch, wizard, witch doctor, magi, divinator, sorcerer and high priest sending assignments against God’s REMNANT! We loose a WALL of FIRE of the HOLY GHOST around ourselves & America. (Zechariah 2:5). In the name of Jesus, we cut off and bring to naught every ritual, custom, ceremony, curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, chant, evil spoken judgment, magik, evil prayer, dance, trance, animal or human sacrifice, drums, shells/beads/bones /candles, pins, nails, rituals, customs, voodoo and hoodoo, hulu and julu, santeria and palomayombe. We cut off ALL supply lines, seals, cords, alters, ligatures, lay lines, pathways, gates and portals.

We DECREE & DECLARE that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds. We DECREE & DECLARE that Jesus Christ is the name above every name and that at HIS name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that He alone is Lord, in heaven and on earth. Right now we loose civil war into the enemy’s camp! We command the mighty warrior angels to make war immediately on all entities, fallen angels and dark powers to destroy our Country! Even as Paul declared blindness upon the agents of darkness in Acts 13:6-11, we, too, declare blindness upon all those taking part in evil plots against us—that they will grope about as one in darkness so their plans CANNOT be carried out!

WE DECREE RIGHT NOW THAT OUR ENEMIES ARE TURNING ON EACH OTHER and that every curse from the kingdom of darkness will fall upon those sending it. Father, we ask you to deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the “perilous pestilence”; grant your people complete amnesty from our enemies. We make a request (according to Phil 4:6) that all evil deeds and assignments be arrested right now and that massive arrest warrants are going out NOW for these devils operating in this antichrist agenda. God, we thank you that you are the God who has fixed his throne upon righteousness and justice! We ask that you place your mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder-to-shoulder around us that no evil would penetrate. We decree and declare that no evil will befall the mighty remnant believers And finally Father, we ask you to bless this USA on this great day!! We give you the praise, honor, and glory; and we give you thanks.

We pray this In the MIGHTY name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN and Amen.